Dear Friends and Colleagues,

I am running for re-election as OMA District 11 Board Director because I wish to continue to lead a strong, effective physician organization, represent a united and engaged membership, and assure a healthy physician workforce. I ask that you VOTE for me.

The OMA, and its largest district, require passionate and thoughtful leadership, to strategically and successfully confront our internal and external challenges, effectively partner in health system transformation, and successfully advocate for physicians. I have the necessary skill set and experience to represent District 11’s doctors during this critical time of change.

Ontario’s health care system is undergoing significant transformation at a whirlwind pace. Our profession is critical to the success of these changes, yet physicians are simultaneously lauded and blamed for holding together a system that is clearly broken. The medical and political climate we are experiencing is proof that we must be strong, unified advocates for ourselves. Our health, well-being, and livelihoods are directly tied to high quality, timely patient care.  If we can cut through the noise fuelled by government and the media, there are opportunities to shape and influence the system, to better care for patients and protect the needs of physicians.



1. Board Success

As part of the board of directors of the OMA since 2014, I have played an important role in executing vitally important changes, including achieving binding arbitration and governance revitalization of the board and council. These innovations will facilitate more effective decision-making for the doctors of Ontario, with thought leadership that is transparent, nimble, and strategic.

3. My Commitment

  • Understanding policy/legislation involved in order to have effective influence

  • Listening to and facilitating crucial conversations with my peers

  • Engaging with physicians to build capacity and momentum necessary for change

2. Board Leadership

As a board director, I received formal governance training and have been appointed to several key strategic positions including the CEO Search Committee, the Negotiations Process Review Working Group, and the Hospital Advisory Committee sub-group. As past chair and board representative of the Outreach to Women Physicians Committee, I helped to significantly increase awareness of, and participation in, OMA leadership by female physicians.



Within the OMA, organizational renewal is at a critical juncture and as the vice chair of the Governance and Nominations Committee, I am making an important contribution to association revitalization and transformation and have the privilege of selecting future physician leaders in the OMA. With an engaged and united membership, we will be better positioned to challenge government actions, assure the wellbeing of members and improve our ability to provide quality care to patients.

I look forward to continuing to represent you as your effective
District 11 Board Director
Dr. Rachel Forman